Fake Product

Sam Panini
Oct 22, 2023


Both Michael Sollecito and Soumen Sarkar shared critiques on the role of technology / software product management.

I’m not too tied into the job title and naming conventions, so I think they are directionally accurate.

Authentic [insert title here] should be discovering and articulating real, impactful problems to solve.

Both— obliquely — refer to “fake” product managers, which are a symptom of ZIRP and feature factory culture.

I agree that vision, charisma, passion, and skill will make a tremendous and great product leader.

There are product people who are obsessed about not weaponizing data and who hold first-principles of design.

Whether it’s product manager, solution architect, or any other title, it’s someone’s job to obsess about customer discovery.

The key is that obsession and generalist soft skills are married to specialists in engineering, design, operations, financials, and the domain.



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