Knowable Modern Sophism
Comedy is an ancient performance art.
Consumed live, this art form defines modern popular culture that is acceptable and tolerable.
I really liked Dave Chappelle.
As a history nerd, the entire ethos of Yellow Springs, Ohio, along with Wilberforce University are commendable, principled, and effective sources of American leadership.
Chappelle’s bit about Daphne was profound.
He had recognized respect for Stonewall gays, but not trans folks.
As an educated person, there is little to no chance that Dave Chappelle does not already know that the participating citizen leaders of the Stonewall civil actions were Black and trans.
Cognitive Dissonance
To balm this moral injury, Dave Chappelle did:
“…what a lot of people in that sort of situation do: he doubled down on the idea that like his trans friend had said, there was nothing wrong with his making jokes about trans people.
Because he really, really, REALLY needs to believe there was nothing wrong about what he did.
He is as deeply emotionally invested in an exculpatory narrative where nothing he did was wrong as it is possible for a human being to be.
So he has doubled down as hard as he can on the idea that being a contrarian asshole who punches down isn’t actually doing anything wrong.
You can’t unknow this now.
Good day.