Never Forget the Capes

Sam Panini
Sep 11, 2023


This anniversary of 9/11, I’m tired of hearing how divided we are 🇺🇸

As a history nerd, we are not more divided than before. Things have been worse. Much worse. Way worse. Like, awful.

As a pro-am people-watcher, what we really are is more connected to the internal pathos, mediocrity, and lack of virtue of contrarian trolls.

There are some people who just don’t have strong feelings about values or first-principles.

This small, loud faction tends to be easily annoyed by anything that disturbs their own sense of peace.

Facts cause them to have feelings.

These anti-normies operate in bad faith, complaining that moral and ethical considerations are uncivil, impolite, and un-American.

Pro-tip: feelings are what make you human.

Morals and ethics are superpowers.

#NeverForget, not all heroes wear capes ❤️‍🩹



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