Stop Wondering
The live-streaming of ethnic cleansing makes this month’s episode of Black Mirror particularly awful.
You Can Stop Wondering
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if social media, digital technologies, and satellite streaming capabilities had existed when ghettos were liquidated?
You can stop wondering.
You can stop wondering what it would look like if half a trillion dollars worth of oil and natural gas was off the coast of the ghetto being liquidated.
You can stop wondering what you would do as an ancient people are driven from their squalid homes and horrible living conditions.
Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Stop It Now
The Hague will be carpet-bombed in a show that would make the 2003 “shock and awe” campaign over Baghdad look like mere child’s play before anyone is held accountable for “forced population transfer” and “war crimes.”
#NeverAgain meets #NeverForget.
This episode of Black Mirror sucks.
It’s all just so, so messy
Per Dror Poleg on LinkedIn:
In 2010, journalist and director Shlomi Eldar filmed a documentary about the efforts of a Palestinian Gazan mother and an Israeli pediatrician to treat a baby with a deadly genetic disease.
The baby, Muhammad, was destined to die — just like his two sisters before him. Now, a new and expensive stem cell transplant could save him. But the family had no means, and Gaza had no facilities that could perform this type of procedure.
An Israeli donor, a Jew whose son died in the army, stepped up to donate the $55,000 required to perform the operation. Muhammad is now 16 years old and lives in Gaza.
But the story doesn’t end there. While filming the documentary, Muhammad’s mother told the director she hoped he would grow up to become a “Shahid” — a martyr who would die while fighting Israeli Jews.
So messy, but also not the end of story, either.
According to a column the director just published on Haaretz, the mother said those things “on the record” because she was afraid Hamas would consider her an Israeli collaborator and murder her son. She wanted him to live.