Member-only story
The Era of Human Opioid (written summer 2017)
Given the longevity of his parents, we can say the president is very likely to thrive until he is 90 years old. I posit that those years will be in office or influencing it. In 2036, my daughters will be 22 and 20 years old, respectively.
Call it a Netflix-inspired vision, amalgamating history and fiction, but Black Mirror, Commodus, and Frank Underwood are instructive to study and predict future behavior of people who zig…when you think they’ll zag.
I think delaying or prolonging the below scenarios is counterproductive. They should start now to make those two decades seem like they go by as fast as possible. Write down all the stories now.
The special counsel for the Department of Justice investigating the influence of Russian actors on the U.S. election is to be dismissed. The Republican-led Congress does not act and gains veto-proof majorities in the 2018 midterms. Unlimited forces of the state, malleable values, and the will to power as a metric of leadership are embraced. After the president wins reelection in 2020, the First Daughter is named Vice President, and she wins in 2024 and again 2028. In the second term of the first woman elected president, she names her husband — by now a savvy, billionaire political operative and humble civil servant — as Vice President and he later wins in 2032 and 2036.
In the prior two decades, there may be a prolonged recession or wartime boom, but regardless, the appetite of the voting public in swing states and districts will be sated. Those who…